Friday, January 27, 2012

Childhood Bestfriend

Day 27/366: Happy birthday Kaye!

Today's feature is for my awesome best friend, Kaye, who's celebrating her birthday today! I couldn't hug her in person 'cause we're a thousand miles apart right now, so I'm making this post extra special for her!

We've known each other for so many years! Since birth as many people would say. More than a best friend, she's like a sister to me - The sister that I never had. When we were kids, we would often draw Sailormoon, compile them in folders, and sell them to others, but would always end up buying each other's drawings! Haha! We would often go to each other's house to play hide and seek, or watch our favorite cartoons. She would always visit me at our gate when I'm not allowed to play outside. She'd always remember me as the kid who's standing behind the bars (our gate), eating hotdogs while watching her and the other kids play outside. We would always jump every New Year, hoping we'd get tall. We used to exchange letters just because we wanted to write each other.. And a whole lot more of childhood memories!

Then she moved to New Zealand and coincidentally, our family moved somewhere else too. It was a drastic change, you know. We got separated and didn't see each other for years. What's cute though was we were contented with the snail mail then. We used to send long letters and cards and wait for them to arrive even if it takes forever. Then came Friendster, e-mail, Yahoo messenger, and of course, Facebook! Communication was definitely made easier.

We don't really get to talk about every single thing that's been happening to us, but we tried to keep the connection tight. And when she visited Philippines about 2 years ago, I'm so happy that everything still feels the same. She didn't turn into a stranger. She was still the best friend that I knew 22 years ago. She's still my sister.

I promised that I'd go visit her in New Zealand soon. So with that being said, I'll see you soon Kaye! Okay? Just give me time. Haha! Happy birthday! I love you!

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